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yearling2Dunajski Dairy is the maker of the Pure Country label.  When you see the Pure Country label, you are looking at one of the freshest dairy products available.  Our farm is located in the heart of Peabody, and our milk is on the store shelf the same day we produced it.  Why buy milk that spent days on a refrigerator truck, when you could have Pure Country? 

100_1477 We are proud that we raise our cows from calves and maintain a high quality herd.  We grow our own feed ensuring our cows give us the best possible milk.  Our family and employees go home satisfied knowing they provided your family with one of nature’s staples.

cows 12x6

Comments (2)

  1. Ziggy's Donuts


    We have been using Dunajski’s milk for over 20 years. We love their service and product, but mostly we love their family values! Being a family run business for over 50 years ourselves, we understand the blood,, sweat and tears that it takes to work together. The work is hard but the rewards are plentiful. Spending time with loved ones on a daily basis is truly a blessing (even though difficult at times). Love you all,,,Alice, Patty, John & Pattie.

  2. Kristin


    Hi! I just received one of your lemonades from a food truck that came to my work. I AM IN AWE OF HOW AMAZING THIS LEMONADE IS! It is literally the best tasting lemonade I have ever had. I was wondering where else I could purchase this and your other ‘Pure Country’ products?! Do you have a farm store on site?! I AM IN LOVE! 🙂

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